Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Old Winston would be proud

In 1958, the local Montevideo government erected a monument to Winston Churchill near Pocitos Beach. He looks grim, as if the Germans were coming again.

The monument is in a nice, small square, looking to the beach (and to the storms, where they choose to visit).

Some words by Mansfield are transcribed below the bust. I believe old Winston, while he did care for words, would better appreciate a gin and tonic in our 30 C summer.  

What Winston is looking at: Pocitos Beach.

Thanks for looking! Yes it is film. FP4+ in DK-50 1:1 (testing old mix).


  1. I read the biography of Churchill by Roy Jenkins recently. It was close to a thousand pages and pretty tedious given the complexity of the Brit governing system and the unfamiliar cast of characters. I did learn quite a lot about Churchill, little of it which I found admirable. He seems now kind of like Trump with a brain.

  2. Yes, indeed old Winston would not be a model of political correction in these days.
