Saturday, August 05, 2006

Reus quarter in a gray day

In the early 20th. century, Emilio Reus built several significant housing projects in Montevideo. One of them, located in the Goes area, has been preserved. The central street of the project is named after Reus, and the place is known as Barrio Reus.

The houses are all identical, set around a narrow street. One block was painted in 1992 with vivid colors by art students.

These images were taken in a gray winter day, using an old Ikoflex Ib loaded with Kodak Portra 160NC film.

Note the round plant pots and the painted screens in the upper section of the houses.


Contrasting colors in doors and broken windows are a feature.

Doors with colors and broken window

Doors with and without iron

The Reus is close to a busy working class commercial area.
A citizen coming from the busy commercial district nearby

Color details and overall distribution of colors are very interesting and eye-catching to me.
General view


In a sunny day the colors stand out

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