Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Election day

Last Sunday we had presidential and parliamentary elections. Lots of movement in the city, a real popular Fiesta with capital F. We liked it so much that there is already a second round scheduled, late next month.

Little tables sprout everywhere with the ballot papers, often two tables of rival parties together -- with the operators helping each other. We must be more civilized than I thought. People were mostly looking for their circuits. Mate is always nearby.


Much movement and many flags in the afternoon. Some flags were larger than the carrier, others small and discreet but no less telling. Flags in cars, motorbikes, enveloping people.




Quite a bit of suspense in the definition. Let us hope that the friendly atmosphere is still here next month!

The following pictures were taken a few weeks before the election. I got stuck into a motorcade of one of the candidates, fortunately with a camera at hand.



Thursday, October 15, 2009

Aeronautical Museum

The little Aeronautical Museum is located next to the Cilindro, the largest indoors sport arena in the city. It is maintained by an enthusiastic crowd of supporters and kept by a skeleton Air Force staff and cadets. A good place for a walk if you like planes of every age and state of repair.




An old Chevrolet car was displayed on Heritage Sunday along with the planes.
